A little story about me


Muhammad Fathoni Nurrizqillah

My full name is Muhammad Fathoni Nurrizqillah, also called Toni Syams. I am 22 years old and a fresh graduate of marketing management major from Jember University - Indonesia.

During college I was active in several campus organizations, I gained a lot of experience in teamwork and managing an organization, especially in the role of a graphic designer. From that experience, I realized that I have an interest and passion in terms of visual design. Since then I've also worked freelance with several clients from various industries.

Coming from a marketing management major made me realize that design is not just about visuals. I intend to have a career in design, but in the more complex design field, focusing more on solving problems & providing solutions, and design that can interact and focus on users (by understanding their needs), and those things are in UI/UX Design or Product Design.

Until now I have done various things to be able to have a career as a UI/UX Designer such as reading UI/UX books, participating in the UI/UX community, studying the UX Design Process & Design System e-course, and the last one is participating in Intensive UI/UX Design Training/Bootcamp (for two full months) that organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Indonesian Ministry of Manpower, and Simpul Talenta. From all of this, I gained a lot of insight and growth in both UX and UI, as well as an understanding of design system.

Despite all that, I am a person who likes to interact and meet new people from various backgrounds. I'm happy when I can understand someone's problem and then help solve it with the solutions I find.

Apart from design, I also enjoy exploring new tools, learning about investing, psychology & marketing, technology, history, and doing sports like swimming & fitness.

Currently, I'm looking for a job or internship as a UI/UX Designer or Product Designer